Tuesday, February 7, 2017

STORY TIME: If King Arthur Were Here Today, He'd Probably Be Confused By A Bowflex

I was just thinking.  Do you remember that guy, King Arthur?  You know, the guy with who pulled the sword out of the stone?  Do you remember that guy? 

If that guy were around today, I bet he'd be really confused by a Bowflex.  I mean, that guy would have no freaking clue how to work a dang Bowflex.  He'd probably think a Bowflex was some kind of medieval torture device or something.

I bet someone would have to go up to him and say, "Uh, King Arthur, sir.  In 2017, we put ourselves through a different kind of torture...it's called exercise."

Man, it would be really be funny if someone did that.

King Arthur would not see that coming.  Just picture it, King Arthur, the guy from the stories, trying to use a Bowflex.  Wow, that would be so funny.  He wouldn't have any workout clothes or anything.  That would make it funnier perhaps.

Imagine King Arthur in the gym.  Everyone's just working out regularly and this man is just in there with a long flowing robe and a stupid crown.  Talk about juxtaposition.

Hey.  Is King Arthur the same king as the king from Burger King?  Listen, I know it's not the exact same guy but did they base the Burger King off of him?

Who knows.  Anyway, I think my break is almost over.  I'll see you around.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

STORY TIME: I'm Not Going To Just Sit Here While Don Henley Gets All The Credit For "Boys of Summer"

Ok.  Quite frankly, enough is enough.  I'm not going to just sit back while Don Henley gets all the praise for his 1984 classic song "The Boys of Summer".

Mike Campbell co-wrote the song "The Boys of Summer" and everyone should know this.

Don Henley wrote the lyrics for this song.  I will give him credit for that.  I will admit that he wrote the words.  However, "The Boys of Summer" would be nowhere without the riff Mike Campbell laid down for this track.
Mike absolutely shredding.
Mike Campbell is a guitarist and record producer who is most famous for his work in Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers.  He is one of The Heartbreakers.  He is not Tom Petty.

Contractually there were no problems with the authorship of this song.  Mike Campbell is credited as a co-writer on "The Boys of Summer".  He gets royalties for this song.  Mike Campbell was paid well.

My issue is that people see Don Henley's face on the album cover, they see his name on Sirius XM and on Spotify and they don't give Mike Campbell the time of day!

Mike Campbell co-wrote this song!  Ok!  Think about Mike for once in your life.  Come on!