Tuesday, January 24, 2017

STORY TIME: I'm The Guy Who Invented Oregano-Flavored Oreos


Posted to Facebook 1/24/2017 7:42 PM

"Hey, everyone.  Important announcement.  My name is Mark Shatman.  I have been an employee of Nabisco Corp for many years and I'd like to publically apologize for creating Oregano-Flavored Oreos, the world's most hated Oreos.

I really messed up.  I thought people would like this flavor.  I was wrong.  Oregano is a great taste and I incorporate it into a lot of my salads and whatnot.  That's why I told everyone at work to make it an Oreo.  This was bad.

Oregano Oreos are also considered bad in a not woke context as well.  I didn't think about this but Oregano is Italian and when we put them in an American predominently-white/black cookies that wasn't woke and disrespectful to the Italian heritage.  

To our Italian fans, Mi dispiace.  That's Italian for 'I'm sorry' which I am.  

Also, I lost my job.  Oreos fired me for being so dumb.  I guess I deserve this.  Everyone online is criticizing me.  Buzzfeed, Anime Twitter, 4chan, Soundcloud rappers, The President.

I take full responsibility for my actions.  Oreo had nothing to do with this.  I made them do Oregano Oreos.  It was me, folks.

Ahhh, crap.  

Well, this is Mark Shatman.

Signing off,

God Bless you."


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