Monday, April 10, 2017

STORY TIME: I Learned Portuguese Out Of Spite

I do not find the Portuguese language to be particularly interesting. 

I have no interest in traveling to Portugal.  I have no interest in traveling to Brazil.  I have no interest in traveling to Angola either.  I cannot stand traveling or meeting new people.  New people are the worst.

Nevertheless, when my uncle told me I couldn't learn Portuguese, I learned it just to spite him.  My uncle is such a jerk.  I spent twenty years mastering the Portuguese language just to teach him a lesson.  That'll show him!  Guess what Uncle Wally?  I learned Portuguese.  

I can't wait to see the look on my Uncle Wally's face when he finds out I learned Portuguese.  All he does is sit around and watch a VHS copy of old episodes of The Best Damn Sports Show Period.  

Uncle Wally can't even speak Portuguese.


I guess Uncle Wally would have no way of knowing if I actually learned Portuguese or not.

Is this a prank?

Was Uncle Wally pranking me?

Now I'm even more mad, in two languages no less.  

Ai meu Deus!

Now, to spite Uncle Wally, I will hit myself with a baseball bat in an attempt to unlearn Portuguese.  

That'll show him.


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