Wednesday, December 21, 2016

STORY TIME: I Think I Left My Wallet at GameStop


"What is it, Mark?"

"I think I left my wallet at GameStop!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Mom.  It's at GameStop."

"Did you check your pockets?"

"Yeah, Mom.  It's not there.  I'm sure it's at GameStop."

"Ok.  I don't want to drive all the way back there. Make sure you check all your pockets."

"Wait...yep.  It was in my coat pocket."

"Good.  I'm glad you found it."

"I guess we don't have to go to GameStop then."


"Hey, Mom.  Now that I have my wallet, can we go to GameStop?"

"No, sweetie.  We were just at GameStop."

"Oh, yeah."

THE END - GameStop: Power to the Players

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