Monday, December 19, 2016

STORY TIME: Rob Thomas Ruined My Evening

Honesty is always the best policy.

And that's how I handle Rob Thomas.

I'm not going to sugarcoat this.  Here's what happened:

Rob and I were friends.  We used to hang out at my condo and play video games all time time.  I loved having him over.  We even talked about writing a screenplay together.

Then something weird happened.  Rob and I were playing video games one day and I was booting up the Xbox and Rob goes, "So...I guess you're player one today?"  I was a little surprised.  

I replied, "Yeah, it's my system.  I'm always player one."

Then Rob Thomas goes, "Well, why can't I be player one?"

"It's my system and I'm letting you use it.  At least give me the courtesy of being player one.  I would do the same thing at your house, Rob Thomas."

"Alright, fine."  Rob Thomas said.  He paused, then dropped a bomb.  "Well, when I get my Xbox.  I'm probably not going to invite you over."

"What?" I was shocked, "Rob Thomas, are you serious right now?"  I couldn't believe it.

"Also, remember last time I was over?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Remember when I asked to borrow a pair of basketball shorts?

"What about them?"

"Well, I like how they fit and I plan on keeping them."

"Rob Thomas, get out of my house right now."

That was the last time I saw Rob Thomas.  I will never again let Rob Thomas ruin my evening.


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