Thursday, January 5, 2017

STORY TIME: I Demand A Refund

"This is utterly unacceptable.  Where's your manager?"  The woman said.

"Ma'am, I am the manager," replied Ronnie.

"Well, you should be completely ashamed of yourself.  What's your name?"

"I'm Ronnie.  I work here."

"Well my good Ronald.  This isn't the last you will be hearing from me.  No sir, I demand a refund."

"Before we go and start calling each other by our full names, lets try to make things right.  What exactly happened ma'am?"

"I found a nail in my cheeseburger."

"A what?"

"A nail!  Can you believe that?"

"I'm sorry ma'am.  Fingernails shouldn't be in cheeseburgers.  I take full responsibility."

"No Ronnie, not a fingernail.  A metal nail.  I bit into my cheeseburger and almost died."

"Wow, what a story.  I'm sorry that happened to you.  Do you happen by chance to have the nail with you?"

"Well no, I threw it away actually."

"Ok, well do you have the cheeseburger?"

"No, I do not."

"When exactly did this take place?"

"A few weeks ago."

"And do you have the receipt?"


"Ma'am, I think we're done here."

"Can I at least have a fry?"

"No, you may not have a fry."


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