Friday, January 6, 2017

STORY TIME: I Think I Like Limes Now, Mom

"I think I like limes now, Mom."

"Wow, honey.  That's great."

"I used to hate limes.  Remember that, Mom?"

"Yes, sweetie.  I do remember that."

"Yeah, I used to really not like them.  I'm different now."

"Yes sweetie, you are different.  You're all grown up."

"Mom, would you buy me limes if I asked?"

"Yes, honey.  I'll practically get you anything in the store."

"What about a katana, Mom?  Would you buy me a blade."

"No sweetie.  They don't sell katanas here."

"What about a dinosaur?  Would you buy me a T-Rex?"

"No sweetie.  They don't sell dinosaurs.  Dinosaurs are extinct."

"Dinosaurs are extinct?  What do you mean?"

"Sweetie, there are no dinosaurs left.  All of them are dead."


"Mom, will humans go extinct?"

"Yes.  One day there will be no more humans.  If science is to be believed, in the future, the earth will be vaporized by a dead sun."


"We just have to accept that sweetie."

"Hey, Mom?"


"I don't really like limes now.  I was lying earlier."

"Okay.  That's fine."


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