Friday, January 13, 2017

STORY TIME: I Got Lost In The Store For 40 Frickin Years

I can't believe I made it this far.  40 years ago, I lost my mom in the store.  I think she left me here.  Either that or she's still somewhere in the store looking for me. I doubt that. 

I can't believe I even lasted this long.  It was hard but I was able to survive on the nourishment of a fully stocked 24-hour grocery store.

Everyone thinks I work here.  Secretly, I've been trapped in here for years.  It's really kinda messed up.  Have you seen Jumanji?

It's like Jumanji, but at a store.  Also, I can leave whenever I want.  I forgot to tell you about that part.  I guess it's not like Jumanji.

I know where the door is.  I am allowed to leave.  I think I have Stockholm Syndrome with the store.  That's probably it.  I should really see a psychiatrist or somebody.  Sometimes the pharmacy lets me have some of the leftovers.

Did I mention I'm a rat.  Yeah, this is a Ratatouille thing as well.  Have you seen Ratatouille?  I've actually never seen it.  I was supposed to go and see it but I went with a friend to see Evan Almighty instead.  I kind of wish I would have seen Ratatouille now.  Hindsight is always 20/20.

There's not much left to say.  I guess I'll just keep being me: A-Forty-Year-Old-Talking-Rat-Who-Lives-At-The-Store-Narrator-Voice.

love you.


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