Thursday, December 29, 2016

STORY TIME: I Won a Contest to Have Judd Nelson Come To My School

Ok, so I don't even know who Judd Nelson is.  

I'm fourteen and I was trying to call in about Selena Gomez tickets and now Judd Nelson is following me around at my school.  

Everyone thinks Judd Nelson is my dad or my tutor or something.  I keep having to explain to everyone, "Ugh...this is Judd Nelson, the actor.  I won tickets on 101.1 The Weasel to spend a day with Judd Nelson."

Judd Nelson doesn't really do much.  He seems to only talk about the band Rusted Root.  He's really into their discography.  I had to do my science fair presentation with Judd Nelson sitting at my booth.  How humiliating!  

I still don't know who this guy is.  At lunch, Judd Nelson kept borrowing money from everyone.  He ended up buying six chocolate milks.  I wish Judd Nelson would go away.  During gym, Judd Nelson played basketball with us.  He actually has a good mid-range jumper. Other than that, Judd Nelson is weird.

If I could go back in time, I would have never entered a contest to have Judd Nelson come to my school.


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