Monday, April 3, 2017

STORY TIME: I Moved To Cleveland,TN On Accident

Ok.  First off, I'd like to apologize to my children and my wife.  I messed up pretty bad.  I thought we were moving to Cleveland, Ohio.  My wife Kristen is from Cleveland and Kristen's parents live in Lakewood and we wanted to be closer to them.

I messed up.  I accidentally got a job and a house in Cleveland, Tennessee instead.  It was on accident.  What made it worse was that I put Cleveland into Google Maps and it autocorrected to Cleveland, Tennessee.  We drove down here on accident as well.

Everyone is very mad at me and I totally get it.  I would be mad too.  I thought we were moving to Cleveland, Ohio.  I mean, I'm not a huge Browns fan but I think I could warm up to them eventually.

Man!  This is a bad situation.

I guess Cleveland, Tennessee is pretty nice too.  Well, I mean we already have a house here.  I have a good job down here as well.

Maybe I could convince Kristen's parents to move down here.  As for the kids, I could just trick them into thinking this is Cleveland, Ohio.  All of the signs say Cleveland already.

I'm definintely willing to do a Truman Show-type thing on my kids.

Is that bad?  To do a Truman Show thing to my kids to not have to move to Cleveland, Ohio? idk.


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