Thursday, June 22, 2017

STORY TIME: Powdered Mini Donuts Make Me Hungry But Also Allow Me To Feel

I love powered mini donuts...but not for the reason you think.

I like donuts because they allow me to access my emotions.  

I'm not a very emotional guy and I rarely let anyone know what's wrong.  That all changed when I started eating donuts.  

Maybe it was the heart in the Hostess logo or perhaps the font of the Hostess logo but whatever it was it broke down the walls I was putting up in my life.  

Every time I need to feel something I just eat mini donuts.  This may seem unhealthy due to the contents of the mini donuts.  I've decided however, to judge myself by the contents of my character.

One time Kroger was out of powdered mini donuts and I had to get chocolate.  I was so furious I started throwing bags of donuts at the guy in the deli.  He didn't deserve that at all.  If I'd had powered mini donuts none of this would have happened.

I'm not allowed in Kroger anymore.  The manager suggested I go to therapy.  I might check it out.  

Hopefully, therapy has donuts.  The right kind of donuts.


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